PRELIMS ARE DONE WITH!!! WOOOHOOOO! AFTER: then we went to eat at fish&co's!! good food. went to borders where i bought ECLIPSE!!! on chapter 3 now :D and we watched RATATOUILLE! (rat-a-too-ee) it was really funny! and sad at some parts. but GOOD. though liz they all went to watch hairspray and apparently its really good too! i'm kinda zapped out now. shall just curl up in bed with eclipse and REST. had BUCKETS of FUN today SI!! LOVE U TOO!!!
ok i CANNOT resist anymore! my chemistry textbook is crying out BORING and my laptop is screaming USE ME! plus i havent posted in a week :) and i have PICTURES to fill my pic-deprived blog!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH! though i'll just die if coach ever finds out what my blog name is!
SEA history can seriously kill all your brain cells. if your life is way too exciting and upbeat for your own good, studying SEA history will cure you right away. since i was so bored doing building of nations (ugh stupid chapter) i decided to do my After O's TV Guide! :D haha yup my list of dramas and movies to watch after O's. all of us want to watch so many things but we always have to say 'ok i'll watch it after O's!' the number of times i have said that this year, tsk. unfortunately i cant remember what are all the things i wanted to to watch. so far the list has 6 drama serials :D :D gdness that's alot of tv isnt it? who cares!? i dont! im gonna watch till my eyes pop! to my heart's content!
the entire school was totally deserted today. tons of cars that usually snake the blackmore drive? all gone! hahaha it was pretty creepy walking into the school with no little kids running around playing catching at 7 in the morning. wensi and i thought since the entire school, except the P6s having their PSLE oral and the what 80 sec 4s having history, werent in school there'd be no assembly. then miss kek suddenly started shooing everyone down to the quadrangle. so wensi and i half sprinted towards the concourse to do assembly duty and we were laughing so hard!
this is post-worthy so i have no reason to be guilty about blogging! haha. start of prelims today, but thats not the point. after the papers we got back our CHINESE Os RESULTS!!!! it was so nerve wrecking i cant imagine what'll it'll be like when we collect our Os results next year! i think i'll be this quivering mess.
prelims next monday. starting with AMATH. i want to cry.
so after the longest day meeting (im in night prog. comm! finally something other than games comm.) SI and i went to starhub centre to cut our hair!!! like CUT our hair. not the trim it to the same style kind. but the CUT kind. haha ok.
it was so fun! we had our hair washed and it was so relaxing! PERFECT to soothe out stress accumulated from prelims. though i really wanted to burst our laughing at least 15 times cos when the water touched my head it was so ticklish!! but i had to restrain it so in the end i think the guy thought i was really weird, judging by my facial expressions. all contorted :p
then this guy called marcus was my hairstylist. i decided i'd just go back to the same guy for all my haircuts next time. si! we can have another outing!! hahahai'll choose not to make any comments about my hair for the moment. takes some getting used to but i like it!! :D si's hair is cool!! ESP from the side!
YESTERDAY we went back in the afternoon to celebrate coach's birthday. jo, si and liz came to my house after the lit paper to kill time. gdness they were so engrossed doing their individual things i was BORED in my own house! i should totally find a way to lock up my bookshelf when ppl come over. the shirt we printed for him. you're our #1 coach!
we OVERLOADED the cake with 39 candles! and hot wax dropped onto my skirt :p
screeching the happy birthday song at the top of our voices! way across the sports complex!
you gotta LOVE the mg tennis team! its practically mandatory that we use our fingers and dig into the cake every year! MMMM frosting..
bummer. dont get too excited. prelims aint even over -.- get back to SEA history you huge slacker.
we were being such retards before assembly started. acting like long lost kins when we saw beu and joey. assembly was pretty hilarious. like 3 and a half classes in the huge quadrangle, and ALL the teachers behind them.
after that wensi and i were talking about the dreams we had last night. i had a few, but i only remember one where i was telling some person, whom i cant remember, in front of me how there was no way i could use the mop sodden with water in my hand to play badminton! haha so dumb right? in my dream, we were trying to play badminton with mops soaked with water, and i was upset because i couldnt lift the mop! -.- haha seriously. i must be subconciously upset cos yesterday night my sister and brother were playing badminton but i couldnt cos i had to study for history
anyway then wensi suddenly said, 'you know you are often in my dreams?' something to that extent. and i was like, 'haha! i know im such an important part of ur life!'
she then put on this expression like she's trying to solve a mystery.
'you're either chasing me... or we're being chased by someone else.'
haha! that conversation was just too funny! anyways, half the class is having their english Os oral today. im the only miserable bloke who's been pushed to tmr schedule, being last in the register and all. so i came home and watched the last two episodes of kinship downloaded from mobtv, and OH MY GDNESS. i feel DOWNRIGHT CHEATED OF MY FEELINGS.
why is there a kinship TWO?!!? how can they end like THAT and expect me to WAIT?!
whatever. i feel so cheated. i shall go eat my lunch now and tell my brother how annoyed i am.
anyway lao shi came back to give out the results! i didnt have to wait my turn.
A1 distinction! :D :D
what a relief. congrats to all those who got what they wanted or better! and those who fell below their expectations take it easy, still have other subjects yeah? :)
ok that red and white thing was tedious.
this year's national day was special simply becos i dragged myself out of bed at 620 to go for the singapore river run. 620 on a public hol! and it was raining so it was perfect conditions to keep snoozing!
but the run was seriously good. the sun only started to come out after we finished running and it was a great view the whole way! just ym ppl running through the empty clarke quay and dunno what other places we ran through. i was such in a rush i forgot to take my camera and we couldnt take pics like we planned to! so wensi and i decided to run for real. and we were like the fastest girls! till like two-thirds of the way when i kinda slowed us down. yeah but great run! hahaha and i love the way jotham runs! he never fails to make me laugh!
after lunch with wensi i went home, but my mum insisted i go with the family for some lunch thingy at the club. so i sinfully tucked into a new york hotdog and ice cream :( darn just as i was hoping the run burned some fats off me.
and i watched ndp just now! i love all the water performances and the fireworks! wished i was there live! and sing the national day songs like super loud :D ndp at marina bay is seriously cool.
ok from the 13th to 29th august if anyone sees me online please yell at me to get lost. you'd be doing me a favour :D
and i am rather pressurized for english! taking my prelim oral score and the rest of the english components we did for practice, i get an A1 of like 84.3! thats like IMPOSSIBLE to happen again! and it doesnt help that miss tan keeps thinking im gonna maintain that standard, and keeps calling me jia minG in class -.- thats a BOY's name. pfft.
yes and sorry for ignoring all those tags.
i'll try and remember. SULIN and TESSA i've linked you guys already :D hi MAG! JO, haha sorry i was sure i put everyone in the collage! JOYCEE the pic was taken vertically so our dresses could be seen! haha not my fault its inverted :P YUNHAO. what can i say, get a grip :P
HCJC 2008-2009
OG22.08S72.Ares. :)
I wanna grow in the light of the Lord, I wanna be happy all the time, I don't wanna grow up just yet :P
crazy freddy the hammie!
jo chiew
my hammie blog!
rah tan
sam phua
sandy dandy
sarah chia
tessa marie
tiff wee
to be able to fly
a high metabolism rate