FOUNDER'S DAY POST! founder's was F.U.N.! Fantastic and Utterly eNjoyable! :D ok less words more pics. we have like a few hundreds worth between all of us, so no choice but to put them in collages. no pics from founder's celebration in school to manicure place, so those will have to wait! gotta go to the end and scroll right if u wanna see everything though
i lost my ipod! earphones! hahaha just the earphones. i'll die if i lose my red nano. it must have dropped out on the way out of school but by the time i traced back im sure someone picked it up already :( awww those were the ORIGINALS that were shipped in with my red nano! :( :( ohwells i'll make do till i get new ones.
it's amazing how i've been so attentive in class this entire week, despite my apparent lack of sleep! but thats not the point. today was a sad day. because it was lao shi's last lesson with us!! lao shi is the bestest and nicest lao shi i have ever known! (oh not forgetting cai lao shi too) since it was her last lesson, we spent 2 periods just talking. firstly she forced all of us to give her a blessing each. that was funny. poor tang hui shan and i made to go last because our chinese vocab was supposedly broader, so we can say nicer stuff or something. hahaha she shared alot with us, and till the last lesson she was still teaching us ren sheng dao de. that's what so special about her :D then the bell finally rang, and we said our final farewell to her. i started to tear but i didnt wanna cry luh. then we took pics with her, and when she really walked out the door i felt so sad i started to tear again.
this is my 100th post! hahaha so it should be about something relatively significant. how about the day i signed the form to confirm my acceptance into hwa chong. never before, in my ENTIRE life, did i imagine i would even want to go to hc, must less actually ending up there. funny how things work out huh? but like i said, after much thought into it, i was actually getting a little excited about the whole thing last night. but while im kinda excited, im like so sad too! im gonna miss everyone!!! but thats the leaving mg part. we all have to leave anyways :(
what a emotional rollercoaster ride today. in the afternoon, got a call from hwa chong tennis teacher in charge to tell me that i got accepted for dsa. my first reaction was just 's*** s*** s***' throughout the entire phonecall. haha sorry for that but that was my reaction! before this call i was already leaning very much towards AC, then she tells me how the PE hod put in alot of effort to make sure i get into hwa chong, i felt so guilty that i might reject them and waste their efforts! and cos i found myself caught in such a terrible and confusing situation. this time more real than before cos i actually got accepted somewhere.
today was super fun!! and all of us actually managed to reach the hall before 940. thats quite something considering how WENSI is always late :P oh yeah si, mil and i are running the Singapore River Run for the Bethany Methodist Nursing Home! cant wait!! right anyways during small group clari and mil were feeding us snacks like nougats and chocolates :D then after that, we went to PIG OUT at billy bombers!! well it isnt actually billy bombers. it was the hip diner usa BY billy bombers. same thing :D
my 97th post happens to be on 7th July 2007. happy 070707 everyone! :D my dad is so weird. he insisted today is a very special day and opened a bottle of red wine at dinner, and insisted that we have to take a pic on this day. hahaha i remember last time on 9th september 1999, he brought us out to mcdonalds for supper. which is something to remember because he totally think mcdonalds is one of the most sinful places ever.
i am completely slacking! someone help me! hahaha but yesterday was totally not my fault ok. i came home straight after school, already ready to start studying away! then just as i sat on the couch waiting for my lunch, the tennis teacher in charge from hwa chong called to ask me to go for trials. and i had like 50 mins to eat lunch and get there. thank gdness i live near, and that the pasta i ate didnt come back out. i guess the fortunate thing about all the trials i had was that i treated it more like some trng session, so i could be completely relaxed while playing. so at least the standard i show then is almost the same. i thought the interview last time was it, but apparently i had to have another 'chit-chat' but with the PE HOD this time. i thought it went pretty well but i shall just wait till the results come out luh. shucks. before the trials i was already 80% sure i wanted to go acjc, now after this im COMPLETELY confused all over again! AHH.. jc is such a BIG decision! just too tiring thinking about it.
chinese Os oral today! because i stayed up so late to wish mil happy birthday, i was so tired in school yesterday so when i came home i slept the rest of my afternoon today! my precious preparation time! haha ok fine not true i was slacking. so i was kinda nervous today before oral. plus only flory and me from 4h was taking oral today! i had no one to feel nervous with cos flory was in geog last period! luckily i found hui at the canteen so we could be nervous buddies. hahaha that sounds dumb. but i managed to calm down in the library. the passage was difficult!! i couldnt recognise at least 4 words ok! but the conversation went pretty ok. i kinda deviated from the subject at times but i'll just keep telling myself it went fine :D the examiners are so friendly and that helped!
HAPPY SWEET SIXTEENTH MIL!!! YOU WERE SOLVING THE MYSTERY OF 1x1! You're such a genius. =) do i need to mention i admire you? anyway. it's your birthday so let's not insult you too much x) happy birthday. you can finally LEGALLY enter NC16 movies now.
new blogskin!! i likes it very much :D and i didnt realise it was july till a while ago! darn june is over...
2 4 days late!!!
there TWIT. live with it.
preparation in hotel! copthorne waterfront. i love my hair and french manicure the best! :D
at the swiss hotel. pics with everyone
10 ppl, 2 adjoining rooms, 2 king sized beds, 1 steph making weird noises next to me at night :P
anyways we didnt have lessons the entire morning till recess time cos of founder's day rehearsal! sandra and i are VIP ushers so we spent most of the time with si and joey at the concourse. we were doing some silly stuff, and revising chem! hahaha. then it starting drizzling so we had to run out with umbrellas for the principals inspecting the contingents.
sandra and i get reserved seats in the front of the hall! it says 'miss kon's aides' or something. they should just put my name there mann :p and i'll be escorting the guest of honour Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan! hahah quite cool.
gdness we have to wear the new blazers tmr -.- i borrowed chloe's set. they.are. HIDEOUS. i cant believe i have to wear them tmr.
TMR! is founder's day dinner!!! the day we've been waiting for!! oh my gdness cant wait it'll be SO MUCH FUN!!! tons and tons of pics!! staying over at the hotel! 10 of us got adjoining rooms!! AAHHHH SO FUN!! :D :D
and i finished reading harry potter and the deathly hallows today! it is the THE best harry potter book EVER! jk rowling is the most FANTASTIC storyteller! hats off :) loved the book! except that tons of ppl died. but the plot, brilliant!
yayy! JACKSON HOUSE!! hahaha i'm very honoured to have received the house cup on behalf of jackson for 2 years running :) we'll get again next year!
ok time for an ego moment.
english prelims oral:
11/12 - reading
11/12 - picture
15/16 - conversation
total 37/40!
second highest score in class was like 34. 6 or 7 ppl got that
so yeah im happy :)
hahaha ok ego moment over!
i really should be studying. really really should. wheres the discipline!? gone :P
even though it was really last min, 4 of us bought her a card and wrote personal msgs to her. just so happened that i only got the card during last period when we were supposed to be doing our summary! and i HAD to finish the card cos lao shi might leave anytime! so i spent the time writing the card and neglected my summary. miss ho wanted to whack me on the head with the stack of papers when i told her i spent the time writing the card for lao shi and hadnt finished it yet. hahaha. then we had to go for jun's birthday lunch, and i was there trying to do my summary as fast as i could! i heard the phrase 'hurry up' at LEAST 30 times, esp from jac chow! i was so annoyed i could have boxed her. hahahaha kidding. i support non-violence :D
oh! i loved today's bio lab! we BURNED PEANUTS!! so fun!! we let the peanuts catch fire from the bunsen burner, and they were burning on the reserves of food inside. so cool right!? but my boiling tube of water only increased by 13 celcius... no fair. hahaha i should try burning my food next time and see what happens.
and we ate so much at jun's birthday lunch! im never going back to 45kg at this rate!!!
haha ok thats mean.
haha better right?
jun the goofy smartass, happy birthday to you!! we'll always remember all your weird phrases and expressions! that explains why we always love to mimic you all the time:D i thank God for placing a friend like you so closely in my life, for all the fun together and all the support you've given me! though your brilliance is just overwhelming! haha remember the start of last year when we sat together?! i was so pressurized just to listen in class cos you were forever diligently taking notes you scared me! hahaha but we're all super proud of our genius friend! how is it that you can be as GOOFY as you are?! simply MIND-BOGGLING :D happy sweet sixteenth miss oof! hope u have many more blessed years to come!!
the good news came on the way to hc with bush today! char called to tell me that she, manda and sandy dandy made it through too!! i was so ESTATIC i was literally jumping up and down on the bus! YES! more mg ppl! yayyy!! but only sandy and i actually signed the form today. i was quite surprised at how confident i said 'yeah i already made up my mind what' when char asked me why i was signing the form today. after saying that i like freezed for a while and thought 'wow did i just say that? haha since when did i become so absolute?'
that was a really tough decision, and i have tons of mental preparation to do mann. meanwhile, i hope all those who are still in the midst of the dsa process succeed in the end! more mg ppl!! hahaha :D
then after that i moaned and groaned to choey and bushy(congrats on the interview bush!), and even rachel called. i was SO confused! i just kept weighing everything out in my head and ended up back in the same place! both seriously have their pros and cons. then my parents came home, and so i told them during dinner. they were so proud of me, alot happier than i actually imagined. BOTH of them are so pro-hwa chong ok. how unfair, since their opinions are very important. my dad totally gave the 'you wanna be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond' analogy. and some mountain analogy that everyone knows. and my mum didnt understand why i bothered to try for dsa in the first place if i wanted to go to acjc. but yeah thanks mum and dad, it helped make things alot clearer. so right now, i would say its like 60-40 in favour of hwa chong. choey is gonna kill me. after i made her so confused about rj and ac.
yingmin even messaged me! haha how nice of her! i guess one of the things that is holding me back is that the ac team has all my friends there! ok fine not just the team, ac has alot of my friends there! i know i wanna make new friends but i dont wanna be so far from my good friends too!!
anyways thanks choey, bushy, rachel and yunhao for the advice!! much appreciated :D
i think im still very confused about the whole thing, but at least its much better now. don't blame me if i change lines again! this is too big a decision!!
looking heavenward for help! hahaha route 66!
anyway, i bought my founder's day dress today!! :D my mum, sister and i shopped while my bro was having class. and i tried quite a few dresses. MANN i was SO CLOSE to getting 2 really nice dresses ok! SO CLOSE. there was this one dress (the one i got in the end) that my sister like too. so i was like 'hey mum how bout we share this one then u buy me the other one too?' and my mum actually said yes! BUT, my sister decided she didnt like how she looked in this one, so there was no deal -.- darn i really like the other one too. haha but its ok! cant wait till founder's day!!!!
haha choey and i were having a depressing conversation about JCs. from there, to another depressing topic about leaving mg and keeping in touch till we're 60 or something. then it became so funny when we started talking about marriage and stuff!
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
gdness i dont wanna grow OLD so fast!
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
eeee. then we'll be wrinkled and fat
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
haha NO. we'll be slim and gorgeous! HAHAHA
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
right. after pregnancy
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
HAHA choey is thinking so much about having kids already!!
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
well u can always SLIM DOWN after that right!
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
oh just dont eat so much when ur pregnant luh! HAHA PREGNANT CHOEY
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
hahhahah! nooo! my mum said that you'll still have some FATS
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
must invite me for your wedding KAYY!
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
jia. hmmm lemme think... nope. no difference. it's pretty much the same says:
HAHAHA i'll go for yours first!
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
ruthh. + makesmewonder. says:
HAHA and so on.. :D
anyways. today liz and i went to plaza sing after school to watch TRANSFORMERS!! hahaha it was so exciting!! but liz shrieked soo much more than me luh. and gdness i was eating SO MUCH. we sneaked food in from chippys. liz tried fried mars bars for the first time today! haha then we stuffed everything in my bag and brought it in. SO MUCH FOOD. fat old me. anyway it was such an exciting show! so many times we thought the good guys would die! and that ANNOYING little robot. cant stand it. i love it when the car races forward and suddenly leaps into the air and turns into this gigantic robot! after the movie when we walked through the car park i half expected the cars to transform into a robot right there and then! hahah so retarded.
since i had time to kill before going for tuition, liz and i went to ywca to see jolyn, glenda and some other girl in liz's small group. they were like studying there luh. then i remembered beloved (which im no longer in -.-) was having worship prac today! so i went to join jotham, joshua, marcus and yunhao for dinner. we were all talking about tranformers and it was so funny! marcus was the only one who hasnt watched yet :P then we played hide and seek at church again! hahahaha as usual no one found anyone! though i really wanted to stay, but NO, i had to leave for physics tuition. uggh ohwells. i better go study now :D
oh yes thanks zhimin, jac, tang hui shan, ifra, sarah, jun, bush and steph for the present! :D
sometimes its better not to read too much into things. just to prevent misunderstanding :P
THEN after that went to hannah's house, jo's mum picked the 3 of us up to go to acjc for trials. too lazy for details but it was extremely encouraging :D im kinda back to square one but with a slightly different view this time.
after dinner at holland v i met joan! oh my gdness... i am so upset! i am now an OUTCAST of philotheos and an OUTCAST of beloved!! i hate feeling so detatched from worship and beloved... i like my band very much but technically im no longer part of one -.- beloved has a few old members gone and a few new members added! hope you guys have fun!! cant wait to return after Os. meanwhile i'll just be an OUTCAST. FINE. :P
in fact. i have evidence of your hardworkingness and undying spirit! HAHA. Fine. Forgive me. You weren't solving 1+1.
yes. i know what u did last summer. tsktsk. enter NC16 movie before ur 16. the guy selling tickets must have been blind. ANYONE with proper vision can see your face is one of a 3 year old. =D.
dang. insulted u again. sorry ah. but i cant say anything about u without either insulting you or lying.
anyway! If this looks familiar! HA.
if not...
i got a present there for you =D
P.S. this is YUNHAO's idea ok!! i just provided the pic :P LOVE YOU TONS MIL!!! owe u your prezzie!
the very nanosecond where si fell off her chair and i laughed at her. camera goes SNAP!
thank gdness its youth day tmr! i've been completely slacking! friday after school, liz and i were supposed to study before lovemg. what studying luh. we studied for like half an hour, but it was too hot at the benches so we went back to class. and there, i laid across 2 tables, and fell asleep for almost 2 hours! i only woke up when it was time for dinner :P i brought liz to the taiwanese shop at btp to eat. not bad right liz!? hahaha. oh and LOVEMG was great! the bands were great, the worship was great and the sermon was great too! i was so shocked to see that it was pastor jeremy seaward! his son is the cutest little thing ever!!! he got their recessive genes so he's blonde. haha i know my inheritance chapter :P but it was so unfair ok! for us to get the girls to sing during assembly, it took 6 times!! 6!! and we had to make them sing level by level! then at lovemg, they're like let's sing the school song! and everyone sings so loudly with so much joy and passion! -.- how unfair. but aiyah all the old girls were so glad to sing it.
haha we just had to take a pic of this.
HCJC 2008-2009
OG22.08S72.Ares. :)
I wanna grow in the light of the Lord, I wanna be happy all the time, I don't wanna grow up just yet :P
crazy freddy the hammie!
jo chiew
my hammie blog!
rah tan
sam phua
sandy dandy
sarah chia
tessa marie
tiff wee
to be able to fly
a high metabolism rate