i missed blogging. but what choice do i have when it's all about mid years mid years and mid years now. and it's not helping that we have so much homework to do. but i did have an okay week so i shall briefly talk about it.
this was the jingle our class presented at GEL period yesterday, to encourage singaporeans to procreate -
thank god it's friday! mann i really mean it from the bottom of my heart everytime i scream it out in my head when im home from school on fridays. this week has been really hectic. it's like in just one day so many good things and bad can all take place within such a short time. im so confused sometimes i really dont know how i should be feeling.
went for past vs present yesterday. only like 2 past ppl (maggie and tessa) turned up for tennis. but the FOOD was GOOD! i remembered the brownies were the best! and i drank like 5 cups of ice lemon tea. haha that long long table piled with food was delicious just to look at :D
haha fine i didnt study. i watched supernatural! haha black truck episode was good! loved the climax and the brothers are so funny!
i FINALLY get to blog today! so updates with tons of pics!! :D many interesting things have been happening but its just study study study for me, and everyone else for that matter. SO, on wednesday was SWIM MEETS! im still really upset that they deprived us of track meets since last year. cos like everyone enjoys track better than swimming and its so easy to get medals for track :D ohwells. i must say the jackson house comm shirt is the nicest of ALL!! haha everyone says so! credits to MANDY. we had stars made out of pipecleaners, plates, shakers stickers and body paint! we painted the word jackson down our legs and after that i could actually see a faint tan mark after i washed it off. hahaha. though i must say, house spirit is seriously dying in mg. what it is like currently really cant be compared to when we were like sec 1 or something. ohwells it's our last year anyways. jackson has been the swimming champ for like the past dunno how many gazillion years or something, but i guess we finally ran out of swimmers and olson won. i have no idea what placing we're in. ok right enough about swim meets.
yesterday was EASTER SUNDAY. woke up at 7 to make it for the 83o service. there were only like 7 of us at small group. anyways after that mil and i went to kfc to eat yummy spicy chicken!! mann they were good. then we spent more than an hour at spotlight :D i wanted to go there to get thread for making those friendship bands thingy. i suddenly just had the urge to make them. and mil and i found these gold heart shaped lockets thing and purple string to make in into a necklace. purple and gold. royal colours :D and 40 mins making this:
extracts from ISAIAH 53
one tree hill season four episode 9 and 10, they are really emotional episodes. like happy one moment and completely sad the next. and honestly. nathan and haley are the sweetest things ever :D
today was the last day of Discover Jesus Week. honestly why call it that if they arent gonna make it a week long? this is probably the most memorable DJW i've ever had. Pastor Jeremy Seaward (from YM camp!) was the speaker and yeah he was really good. he talked about the cross and gave a really new and interesting perspective. discovered a new side to God and got a deeper understanding :) the more you find out the more you realise how marvelous and unfathomable God really is. and for the first time ever, so many people came to know Christ or rededicated their lives to God. the ENTIRE hall had like two-thirds of the people left!! amazing. and we're really lucky cos this kinda thing wouldnt be organised in non-mission schools. yes it was wonderful :D
since our PFT was over we got to play games in PE! so as usual we played the multisports game between classes. on monday it was against 4E and the best part was probably when jac jun and i went in for soccer. 3 of us were called in to join the already ongoing soccer game. so i sent this really nice pass directly to jac. she kinda shrieked as the ball came towards her then she caught it nicely between her ankles. haha then she kicked it to jun and there was this struggle for the ball as everyone crowded around it. thats kinda how girls play soccer anyway. but jac waited patiently outside the group and i waited near the goal post. so someone finally hit it out of the circle, jac saw it and kicked it towards me. without stopping the ball i kicked it right into the corner of the goal post! it was such a good pass and really all i have to claim for my lousy soccer skills. i hate games where i cant control the ball. like floorball. i just run around screaming and trying to hit that puny little white thing but always seem to miss. haha ohwells
then there were tests on wed thurs and fri. i was near sinking into depression on thursday cos i had no idea how to study for history and i was so behind for mid years. well i probably still am. went for trng on thurs. oh my goodness. there were like at LEAST two hundred of those flying ants that are so attracted to light!! two hundred. i kid you not. cos we were trng from 7 to 9 so the lights were on. then there were like 60 plus flies under one light alone. it was sick sick sick!! they kept flying into our faces and legs, and into coach's hair. hahaha. until they all dropped to the floor and starting shedding their wings. anyways trng was fun. its all the exercise i get nowadays.
then on friday, interhouse games were cancelled due to the rain. i was supposed to go home for lunch, quickly shower and leave the house for worship prac. but i was so tired i took forever to eat lunch and nearly fell asleep on my room floor. i wanted to study a little before worship prac but couldnt cos i ended up leaving the house so late. yeah but practice was ok. it was good to see everyone again. but i missed the man hunting supernatural episode!!
on saturday i had to go for the 130 tuition cos prayer and praise started at 5. and i think i discovered my kindergarten best friend!!! there was this really talkative girl and the teacher kept calling her yu ying or something. then i was like, that sounds like yun ying. then i thought of the possibility that she could be my kindergarten friend so i leaned forward and peeked at her file. and it said oon yun ying!! she is my kindergarten best friend! she looked just a little like in kindergarten. but i didnt have a chance to clarify with her. ohwells maybe i'll see her again. so coincidental right!?
yes then today had to wake up real early for prayer and praise but still got there 15 mins late. haha i think we played better in the 1130 service than the 930 one. we had so much time to kill after the first session, cos we didnt wanna hear the speaker again :P so marcus jotham and i went downstairs to the church library and see the little children in sunday school. i wanted to go join them! they're so cute! there was like half an hour to kill before we had to go in again for the closing song, so we decided to go buy a pack of cards after that so we can play after the 1130 service one! :D hahaha we after that we rushed to 7-eleven. jotham won the race against marcus!! hahaha while caleb and i just laughed at how jotham runs. he's so funny! so after the 1130 service we went to the prayer room to play while waiting for the closing song :D haha and the 2 pastors who 'caught' us were so funny.
the band has such fun people. made me forget mid years are in 1 week's time!!! mann im gonna have to stop after this quarter. so sad. cant wait till mid years, prelims and Os are over -.-
verse 1: (to the tune of barney's i love you song)
i love you
you love me
we're the people from PAP
with a great big bonus and a little bit more leave
won't you want to make babies
verse 2: (to the tune of fergalicious)
B-B-B-Babies, babies!
baby-making definition makes them parents crazy
they all getting married but they just dont want the babies
it's the egg to the tadpole and the fusion of these gametes
it's so easy, why cant they see, its just simple biology
baby-making (so your family live long long)
stop hesitating (why you wait so long)
baby-making (so your name live long long)
It's just sleeping... (together!)
B-B-B-Babies, babies!
verse 3: (to the tune of some song i cant remember)
we want you to have babies
we're serious like crazy
we want you to have babies
see them springing up like daisies!
repeat verse 2
2,4,6,8 cells divide and procreate!!!
hahaha i love verse 2! though it might have been a little crude :P credits to petrina, stacey, flory and those other ppl who came up with this super cute jingle! love our class! :D
anyways on tues was the dreaded 2.4km run. i guess it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. considering that we stopped training 2 months ago and i've been a fat blob sitting around at home, i only deproved by 15s to get 11.05s. uggh not a 10 something but i guess right at the back of my mind i didnt really expect myself to maintain the same standard. haha but thanks for the praises of 'jia you were FLYING!' so i wasnt that upset about my timing after all :D
and YESTERDAY. our c div tennis beat rgs at the finals and were crowned CHAMPIONS! oh my gdness we're all so proud of them! and sadly, it was our LAST TIME going down to kallang for a game as part of the WONDERFUL mgs team. sad sad sad... :'(
haha i loved it like after winning how they wanted to do the dunno what bunja cheer with all the stomping. all us sec 4s had absolutely no idea how it went but we just huddled into the circle and started stomping around and screaming nonsense in an attempt to follow them! hahaha everyone was so high and i teared from laughing so hard! u gotta love the team! :D
i had a real good time, esp spending the whole time with jess. jess u always make me laugh!! like when we imagined clare and chelsea strangling each other at the net! (clare if u read this, we can explain) about you-know-who (mann we can be mean) and all kinds of other funny things! im gonna miss all of that when we start studying as though there is no tmr for prelims or mid years whatever.
and astonishingly, we actually got to train yesterday night! even though there were flashes of lightning at the second hour into training it held up :D trng was a little tiring, proabably cos wensi and i are so unfit now, but mann I LOVE TENNIS! it felt so good!! u gotta play the game to feel the joy yourself.
anyways that was roughly my week. and have i mentioned i love my friends alot? school is always so fun with them :D
today wensi's parents invited me to go swensens with them for lunch since they had some voucher thingy. so sweet right? haha i was stuffed full. trng was cancelled due to rain. uggh stupid weather. u are making me gain weight! i actually started studying for mid years this weekend! yayy me! hahaha but yesterday night i watched bring in on and watched the last samurai just now.
that little boy is my hero!! he is so super duper brave and he's such a cute little boy :D when those evil dudes sneaked up on the village and tom cruise was almost killed by one of them, he ran to get the sword and challenged the man even though he was so young and like half his size. haha so he's my hero! :D plus that show is really touching.
oh btw, im on the verge of losing hope. just wondering what's going on
alright sam winchester's real name is jared padalecki. he is CUTER than dean!! (and i think he's cuter than wentworth miller RAH!!) hahaha. he acted in gilmore girls and house of wax. no wonder he looked familiar the first time. i didnt watch either though. haha isnt he cute!? yes he is :D :D
jackson house comm! well 5 of them are missing. too bad :
haha just look at the diff in colour of mandy's and my leg!
the 4 house captains of 2007!! haha i like this pic :D
see the four distinct colours of the houses? quite cool.
the tennis team had to leave early cos the c div had their semis against nanyang. yeah we're all so proud of them. they are way more accomplished than their seniors!! they beat nanyang like 5-0 :D oh and raffles beat scgs 5-0. finals next wed! mg will WIN!!
erm yes. those 16 year olds to be went to play on the playground.
wensi got hit with bird shit and it splattered onto jo!! haha i was like that close to getting hit!
clare. being all pro too.
and rachel came to support her sister!! hello rachel!! :D :D
but it turned out really pretty so i dont mind that my eyes nearly popped out staring at it for so long :D
erm ignore my wrist and ankle. they were already tied up so i had to take a pic like that. whoops.
played bridge. with tons of diamonds 3 aces and like 2 kings i totally won :D and i beat pp at tai-ti even though he had ALL the 2s. haha i must be pro. we watched take the lead, stuffed ourselves with loads of chips. (mann i feel guilty) then they discovered the old basketball hoop in my backyard. i havent even stepped in there since my parents laid the stones down somewhere last year. dont ask me why. haha i dunno either.
then we went to play outside. the guys were so retarded. they started doing push ups. on the road. haha then we sat down in the middle of the road to talk. thats cos there were no cars passing of course. somehow when we take group pics it always like taking a class photo or something. hahaha.
dinner was GOOD! look at that spread! melinda's mum's apple pie was FANTASTIC! cinderella story was showing on channel 5. that was what like my 8th time watching it or something :D oh right yang xuan left before cinderella story and melinda left like halfway through. after that we played more cards, then went upstairs to play cluedo. haha and i found out that i've been playing cluedo wrong the whole time. completely disregarded all the rules. no wonder all my cluedo games all ended really quickly. haha well now i know!!
yupp today was fun. shant say more cos im so tired and its 1am. but im glad we all met up again. thanks for the fun guys!!
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by he wounds we are healed
For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors
last night i was reading through Isaiah 53, and pastor jeremy seaward's words will always stay with me. Jesus came down to earth as man just so that he could understand all our sorrows and take them with him on the cross. he went through the most cruel kind of torture anyone could ever imagine just so that we could be saved. the cross isnt there just so we could have a story to tell in sunday school, but to show us how much our God loves us. that love is so extreme we can hardly comprehend it, and all the more why we should give our lives up for Jesus.
what a meaningful Good Friday :D hope it has been the same for you!
what jac
i cannot stand your voice
what.. jac.. -fades off-
-to barney tune-
i love you
you love me
everybody's so happy
guess guess guess!
to know the answer, contact stephanie liew may tze at 92365734 or..
look for her in the fridge
talk to me, tell me your name
helloo. this is stephanie, singing to lion king's song
adios jia
this post was written by the honourable bush wang. :D
the entire day was really interesting actually. and because i'm strictly sleeping at 12 latest this week, i havent been falling asleep in class. during physics lab today we were doing spastic spa skill 3. so we had to plan an experiment to investigate the bounce of different grades of ping pong balls -.- gdness that was rather dumb. then we had the entire ss period to study for lit test. steph and i (and most of the class actually) were reciting all the quotes from Macbeth, except we did it really dramatically and all. hahaha. well it's always fun when steph and i go HIGH... singing stupid songs making dumb noises... and oh steph's SICK analogy today. u seriously need help steph.
AND in the end. the lit test was totally unlike what we expected. we were like. what on earth is that?! haha i just typed out the entire question and realised maybe miss tan's other classes hasnt taken the test yet. thank gdness :D ah whatever im prepared to do badly for this test.
tennis team sec 4s were supposed to go for lunch at pizza hut today. but i stayed back to wait for lizzo before joining them. but poor lizzo spent so much time in the traumatizing physics lab, and by the time she was done it was pouring and they were halfway through their pizzas already. right at this very moment, they have probably just finished dessert or something. but it doesnt matter!! bush and jac stayed back to wait for jun and the 3 of us had such a fun time talking for like 45 mins! about all kinds of nonsense basically. thats what you do with gd friends :D
yes today is the relaxing day. to pay off for our hard work. we totally deserve it :D
then, we set up the VIP reception and silly old wensi came along. and, we decided to eat sugar!! hahaha! immediate source of energy and hype!! and that disgusting girl even ate the coffee creamer. then bla bla briefing.. some more scuttling around, then it was 7 oclock!! by then there were like tons of ppl already outside!!
the cast and crew! dawn and yuli - vice chair and chair :D
after we were officially dismissed we POPPED THE CHAMPAGNE!!! YAAAAAM-SENG!!
HCJC 2008-2009
OG22.08S72.Ares. :)
I wanna grow in the light of the Lord, I wanna be happy all the time, I don't wanna grow up just yet :P
crazy freddy the hammie!
jo chiew
my hammie blog!
rah tan
sam phua
sandy dandy
sarah chia
tessa marie
tiff wee
to be able to fly
a high metabolism rate