today i was so upset that sunday was over... cos it was just so fun i didnt want it to end :( plus i was rather hyped up about leading chapel but then again rather afraid cos i didnt want to feel disappointed after yesterday. to be honest there were some hiccups, but as long as God was pleased with our efforts and sincerity i guess it was ok :) so school wasnt so bad after all! after school liz and i were wandering around the sports complex, the gym, the bookstore and all, because liz was all pumped all trying to be that responsible blackmore swimming captain she is!wandering around was fun lizzie we should do it again!! haha amidst the thunderstorm, and we were trying to be really smart and apply our physics concept to count how far away the the storm was. it was getting nearer and nearer!! soon it was like only 500m away! and trng was cancelled and ah lung si ponned her ensemble to come to my house!
when God closes the door, He opens a window
wearing our special band beloved shirts we lead worship for the first time this year! and our hard work wasnt put to waste. it's really wonderful to bask in God's presence and sing his praises :) all the more when we are united in one Spirit! haha and i just knew it. everybody loves CORN POPS! the band gobbled up the entire gigantic box worth :D church today was mega fun!! even though i had to wake up at 6, i got lift from zhou hao who just passed his driving lesson on friday!! thank gdness we all arrived safe and sound :D i dunno why but even setting up the equipment on stage was fun! then, we had breakfast together! jotham brought his weird blackcurrent juice that hardly anyone drank (so he drank it himself after that!) david made his sandwiches and i brought honey stars and CORN POPS! i can still imagine the yummy taste hahaha. so we just sat there and talked while the skit people hogged the stage. when service finally started i felt so hyped up! that was one of the best worship sessions i ever had :D but shant go into details... then they put up their skit which was so hilarious!! i cant remember what they said except that i was laughing like mad! but i remember jotham in his short shorts!! hahaha how embarrassing! we were all like.. oh mann dont look dont look.. hahaa he's so funny! after the whole service stupid mil liz tiff and wensi kept rushing me to hurry up when i told them like a gazillion times to go first!! while we waited for the people to clear out we sat on the stage and talked and laughed away... then even when we started to pack up they just kept nagging and nagging at me! we were all pretty high today and liz was talking about how she is so over _____:D haha liz u cute retard! as soon as we stepped out of the lift and saw the green man blinking away, we dashed out of park mall and across the street while screaming the entire way!! haha i love it when we do that :) then, we ate at pepper lunch where tiff drowned her entire plate in dunno what sauce and mil drank sauce with every spoonful! hahaha. then we all went to this shop to buy hair clips and hair.. stuff. i like my new pretty clips :D whatever it is, today was just so much fun! sigh.. i love going to church.. the atmosphere and the people :D then when i came home, i went straight to my sister's room to say hi, then i lied down on the floor and fell asleep there for almost 3 hours. gdness i had pins and needles in the weirdest places ever. hahaha
still it was super duper fun! playing card games, watching tv, stuffing our faces with pizza!! shucks the holiday is over -.-
im in desparate need of HELP!! someone save me from becoming a CORN POPS ADDICT!!
Happy chinese new year everyone!! gong xi fa cai! :D
thanks to each and every single person who got me something for valentines' day!!! (zhimin, tang hui shan, rahh, steph, jac, liz, jun (who will give me my present soon), char, hui, joey, beu, hammie, chowie, faith, sandy dandy (whom i went vday gift shopping with!), choey, chloe, mari and jo!!!) thanks guys! sorry i hope i didnt leave anyone out. i had no idea who i got some presents from. whoops hahaha. i think i nearly drowned in all the CHOCOLATES!! but the flowers were really sweet smelling esp chow's tulip!! i was sniffing it throughout the entire emath period.. somehow miss ho didnt say anything :D good business at the flower booth! and for a charitable cause! :D
since i was rather upset and all on monday, i decided to rollerblade around my estate that evening just to distract myself and enjoy the breeze. it feels almost as good as lying on the track or on the court, thinking about all sorts of things and having such a peace of mind. except that i was so scared that some car will suddenly turn out from a corner and run me over cos i cant brake in time. but other than that, the cool air on my face and watching my shadow glide along with me was so peaceful. made me wish that just for a few days i could spend my time without all the stuff going on in school and have some time alone to relax and do what i want. haha everyone wishes for that. more than anything i wish i could do that again today, or lie on the court again, since i feel slightly more miserable as compared to monday. but sadly im bogged down with all the work and tests. time wont stop even when u feel all lousy and zapped out of energy. today was like a closure to everything that has happened. so no use talking about what happened. on the outside everyone feels fine and forget about it when they're distracted. but when it's all quiet i suddenly remember why i felt so terrible and tired in the first place. but we'll get over it wont we?! forget about what THEY said today. remember some parts of it and throw away the rest! the initial disappointment will fade away after a while, so long as we dont hang on to them for too long :) we can think of the bad times, but happy thoughts surround those sad moments!! dont forget all the joy and fun we had over the past few weeks, months and years! our friendship is more special and significant than anything else so dont leave that out! as i've promised, all the fabulous pictures that leave a statement to the great times we had will come out soon! once all the tests of the week are over. ughh.
i finally got my hands on 'it's the end of the road' even though liz refused to send it to me :P
i guess i'll come straight to the point. we lost to TK, and we cant get into semis anymore.
oh goodness i HATE MONKEYS!!!
to do the events of the past few days some justice, i shall spend time posting although im soo dead tired now :D but darn.. i dont have pictures of today's game. i was too tensed to find a photographer :P
the purpose of it was basically to camwhore :D haha cos its fun! no explanation needed. then during dinner we talked a little about whether we would tell each other when... haha ok nvm :D secret secret. keep ur promise si!! then she had to go for tuition so we walked out to the bus stop. and apparently my estate is full of mad dogs, mad cats, mad monkeys, and lots of people who jog! hahaha. i had a really fun day with you si!! after not spending time with you for so long :D love ya tons!!and i found the pics i took before vday! my vday gifts preparation and final products! does the chocolate just make ur mouth water!?
i realised today how much i missed Him...
stuffing our faces into yummy NYDC FOOD!!
lee lon: the 19 year old who thinks he's real mature but he's so not :P
hehehe, who doesnt enjoy a mushroom and ham!? mmmm...
daddy treated us to sinful swensen's ice cream! mann i love chocolate!
the fountain of wealth is actually the world's biggest fountain. wow.
with adorable geri, gen and the roger federer teddy bear!!
what a fun day! we didnt go visiting but we had FAMILY TIME! we drove back to our old condo for a swim. my dad can swim the whole length in one breath! i couldnt reach the last 3m.. and i walked into the guy's toilet to shower cos they switched the locations and no one told me!! haha luckily it was just my daddy. then we went to some chinese restaurant and had yummy steamboat! the tofu dish was just heavenly!! after that sumptious meal we drove around our previous home area, reminiscing about the days when we lived there and all the shopping centres we used to visit. then, we chanced upon a FIREWORKS DISPLAY!!! it was really beautiful! but my handphone couldnt capture it properly, especially since it was all dark. well duhh u can only admire fireworks in the dark what am i talking abt?! haha
jia: -.- u would die in a few seconds!!
and thats our last vday in mg.. how sad. alot of things are our last in mg. so all the more we should treasure them with all our hearts!
to add on to the chinese new year joy, my cousin from new zealand/saudi came yesterday!! after not seeing him for more than one half years, and he has slimmed down!! hahaha. i love it when relatives visit. except that he took unglam pics of me while trying to wake me up in the morning and sat on me till my legs were deprived of blood. then he went to do the same to my sis -.-
somehow i feel kinda lethargic this new year. probably cos we already had our reunion dinner last saturday, and im just sitting in front of the television all day and stuffing myself with chocolates and corn pops. either that or taking afternoon naps. haha what a fat ass i am becoming!!
and that is why! today i did something incredible!! i went for a run!! after weeks of evolving into fat blob since we stopped the usual trng for competition, till now where we only play once a week, i FINALLY went out for a run!! until i almost DIED on the roadside. seriously. i had this extreme acute stomachache and i felt like vomitting. i could just feel my face turning pale and i almost wanted to cry cos i was so far from home and i was dying of pain!! then there was this guy who jogged past me twice since i starting dying and he showed no sympathy for this girl kneeling on the roadside!! well fine i probably wont know what to do with some stranger, but then again i've never met some pale sweaty stranger on the verge of fainting from pain and agony. hahaha after like 10 minutes of torture and fervent praying i was finally ok and resumed my walk/jog. it was really peaceful walking/running around the estate, enjoying the breeze and listening to music, and occasionally choking on exhaust fumes from cars.
and i have just finished blabbering away a whole lot of nonsense. happy new years' eve everyone!!!
the tennis courts' green red and white. such familiar grounds to us :D
once part of the mgs team, always part of the mgs team
coach! part of mg team too :)
same old cheer: MG POWER!!!
my beloved partner JO!! we won all our games together since sec three!!
my other beloved partner HAMMIE!!
5th feb: drowning our sorrows in CHEESE STICKS :D
the note we pinned up the cafe. too bad jess couldnt join us
liz bellowing away. for now it's just the end of the road...
jess WILLINGLY took pictures that day!! :D
the AWESOME SEC FOURS!!! at least we hope we are :P
having fun in the scorching sun
our GOOFY times
the gruelling moments we perservered
touch-me-nots: they curl up when they are scared but open up again when the sun rises!! always look on the bright side! :D
it's so applicable, yet with a new perspective
one line can change a story.
i'll take my pain and i wanna protect it
never blinds me always reminds me
there's so much more to see
at the end of the road
we'll get over the regrets. it's just a matter of time.
this is so sad, and i still cant believe it's all over for us. somehow i was just so sure from the start we could have made it to semis and i was looking forward to earning our own trophy all based on our own efforts. but i guess we stumbled somewhere along the way. i think it'll take some time for reality to sink in cos i still dont feel that devastated or anything.
none of us were actually devastated. we were sad, teared a bit, then we kinda stoned. haha well it felt good lying on the track just now talking abt what happened and contemplating about other stuff.
i shall put up pics another time then! not really in the mood to blog. i'll just immerse myself in homework to distract myself for the time being. no matter what, mg tennis b div of 2007, i love you x 100000000000!!!
darn those monkeys. i had to walk the super duper long way home!! and my stupid sneakers were giving my blisters. until my mummy spotted me dragging me feet along as she drove past and rescued me from my miserable forlorn state!!
as usual, i was like 5-10 minutes late for church (which is a bad thing of course), and as usual, wensi was even later for church! (which is even worse) haha si when u are late, u are always extremely late. we were trying to officially welcome the sec ones to ym today, and we happened to be sitting near a group of sec ones when they told us to go shake hands with them. so we got up, and extended our warm welcomes to them! but the two girls i shaked hands with gave me that kinda face. that not so nice look. and after that i was so discouraged i didnt wanna shake hands anymore. but i shant make any judgement about those little sec ones. i believe they are just.. shy. haha anyway, after small group (gang was just like falling asleep the whole time) we went to eat burger king for lunch. before wensi and i embarked on our journey to kallang to hand in our spex forms for tournament! haha luckily we didnt heed john's advice on directions there, i think we would have been rather lost trying to find the national stadium and finding the dumb postbox.
oh and while i was taking 173 into my estate i met saniah!!! i havent seen her much less talked to her for so long!! and she's in dance now!! hahahaha so fun :D i live so near her but i have never seen her on the bus or anything for like a year.
oh yes!! yesterday we celebrated zhimin's birthday!! i laughed and screamed so much i had phlegm in my throat by the time i was going home. hahaha. we barbequed, oh the marshmallows were so good!! hot and cripsy on the outside, warm and gooey on the inside :D but it was so sweet i couldnt take it after 3 pieces. and stupid bush was like squatting on the floor next to the bbq pit, because she claimed her contact lens will melt from the smoke and heat! -.- hahaha. the most fun part was when we were all playing jun's take picture game, and the other where do i go next game. so fun!!! we were all screaming away trying to guess what was the trick to it! haha it feels so good once u know u spotted it. ifra and bush always get it so fast!! hahaha so we were trying to make it obvious after that so steph and sarah could guess. hahaha it was such a good way to make ifra do such ridiculous actions :P haha sorry ifra i couldnt help myself!! but they didnt even get it in the end.happy birthday zhimin!! ... eww i was wearing my specs cos i had sore eye that morning...
steph liew!!! it's almost possible to die laughing!! hahaha goodness liz was so sneaky! she snapped this pic of steph. we zoomed in to her face and passed the camera around. honestly, we were all laughing so hard it hurt, and gasping for breath as burst into peals of laughter over and over again. :D
so, on wed was our match against KC, played in our homeground! i partnered jo for second doubles. haha after my first match with hannah, i was so worried coach will never let me play ever again after i made that stupid decision. though not fatal, it was just silly. hahaha but i guess i was just excessively overworried and that shall never be mentioned again!! :D hannah: hopelessly whining and sobbing away about how BLACK she is now.
at pizza hut! AUDREY!! u are seriously the MOST DISGUSTING person at eating!! haha i cant stand u, u crazy girl!
LIZZIE!!!!! HAHAHA YOU ARE SO CUTE!!! dont kill me for putting this up!!
HAHA i love this picture!! jess looks like the PENGUIN from MADAGASCAR!!!! :D
HANNAH'S STRANGLING ME!!! help!! gasp gasp!
i tried to do one with me picking york's nose. hahaha but it didnt work!
HCJC 2008-2009
OG22.08S72.Ares. :)
I wanna grow in the light of the Lord, I wanna be happy all the time, I don't wanna grow up just yet :P
crazy freddy the hammie!
jo chiew
my hammie blog!
rah tan
sam phua
sandy dandy
sarah chia
tessa marie
tiff wee
to be able to fly
a high metabolism rate